Charge my Ride2024-06-30T16:10:19+02:00

CO2 Calculator

Charger Types

EFAPOWER EV- Public Charger stations are able to charge all electric vehicles compliant with AC (Alternating Current) charging system standards. The Medium speed AC recharging pillar requires a three phase supply which is able to deliver electricity at a maximum power output between 7.4 kW ≤ P ≤ 22 kW.

The Fast AC charging pillar, also requires a three phase supply, delivering electricity at a maximum power output, P > 22 kW. Both chargers for L-category electric vehicles above 3.7 kW are equipped, for interoperability purposes, with 2 socket-outlets or vehicle connectors of Type 2 as described in standard EN 2-62196.

Charging Stations


E-Drive Plug ‘n’ Charge Packages

Standard E-Drive Rates for Medium charging pillars Fast E-Drive Rates for Fast charging pillars
Off peak: €0.1698/unit Off peak: €0.1798/unit
On peak: €0.1885/unit On Peak: €0.1985/unit

Off-peak hours: Between 00:00am and 05:59am and between 12:00pm and 15:59pm, and on Sundays all day (i.e. between 00:00am and 23:59pm)


1. Why do I need to register and what’s the process of the Charge My Ride registration?2021-10-11T14:45:27+02:00

Through the Charge My Ride Mobile Application, a user has to register their account to be able to successfully charge their electric vehicle in one of Malta’s publicly accessible charging infrastructure. This registration will facilitate the payment process for the user and allow the system to notify the user of any updates or news.

1. Għaliex għandi nirreġistra u x’inhu l-proċess ta’ reġistrazzjoni ma’ Charge My Ride?2021-09-28T16:06:17+02:00

Permezz tal-Applikazzjoni Mobbli ta’ Charge My Ride, l-utenti jridu jirreġistraw il-kont tagħhom sabiex jirnexxilhom jiċċarġjaw il-vettura elettrika tagħhom f’waħda mill-infrastrutturi tal-iċċarġjar aċċessibbli għall-pubbliku f’Malta. Din ir-reġistrazzjoni se tiffaċilita l-proċess ta’ pagament għall-utent u tippermetti lis-sistema tinnotifika lill-utent bi kwalunkwe aġġornament jew aħbar.

2. How can I access the map with service areas?2021-10-11T14:52:56+02:00

The Charge my Ride app and the interactive stations map indicated on this website show the areas where active, publicly accessible charging pillars are available around Malta and Gozo. Anyone who has registered their account on the Charge my Ride app will be able to access all these charging pillars.

2. Kif nista’ naċċessa l-mappa biż-żoni tas-servizz?2021-09-28T16:11:17+02:00

L-applikazzjoni Charge my Ride u l-mappa tal-istazzjonijiet interattivi indikata fuq dan is-sit web juru ż-żoni fejn hemm disponibbli pilastri tal-iċċarġjar attivi u aċċessibbli għall-pubbliku madwar Malta u Għawdex. Kull min irreġistra l-kont tiegħu fuq l-applikazzjoni Charge My Ride se jkun jista’ jaċċessa dawn il-pilastri tal-iċċarġjar kollha.

3. I am having difficulties with my account/charging pillar that I am using. How do I report it?2021-10-22T11:33:53+02:00

You may contact us on the helpline 2779 9299 which is available 24/7. The process is the same with damages to a particular charging pillar.

3. Għandi xi diffikultajiet bil-kont/pilastru tal-iċċarġjar li qed nuża. Kif nista’ nirrapporta?2021-09-28T16:11:36+02:00

Inti tista’ tikkuntattjana fuq il-helpline 2779 9299 li hija disponibbli 24 siegħa kuljum. Il-proċess huwa l-istess meta jkun hemm ħsara fuq pilastru tal-iċċarġjar partikolari.

4. How much is the penalty incurred if I leave my electric vehicle in the parking bay once fully charged? What about conventional vehicles parked on a charging bay?2021-10-22T11:49:37+02:00

It is within the Government’s plan to send automatic notifications to the driver once their electric vehicle is at 80% charged and also at fully charged, allowing a grace period for the driver to remove his vehicle.


4. Kemm neħel jekk inħalli l-vettura elettrika tiegħi fil-post ta’ parkeġġ ladarba din tkun iċċarġjat kompletament? Xi ngħidu għall-vetturi konvenzjonali li jipparkjaw f’post ta’ parkeġġ tal-iċċarġjar?2021-09-28T16:12:01+02:00

Il-pjan tal-Gvern huwa li jibgħat notifiki awtomatiċi lis-sewwieq ladarba l-vettura elettrika tkun 80% iċċarġjata kif ukoll meta tkun iċċarġjata kompletament biex b’hekk is-sewwieq ikollu biżżejjed ħin ħalli jkun jista’ jneħħi l-vettura tiegħu.


5. What are the charging tariffs?2024-05-12T17:28:39+02:00

All the public Charge My Ride charging infrastructure follows the tariffs found at

5. X’inhuma t-tariffi tal-iċċarġjar?2021-09-28T16:12:40+02:00

L-infrastruttura pubblika tal-iċċarġjar kollha ta’ Charge My Ride timxi mat-tariffi li jinsabu fuq

6. How can visiting tourists charge their electric vehicle in Malta?2021-10-22T11:52:56+02:00

All the existing and new infrastructure for EV charging will be requested to adopt an interoperable platform supporting an Open Charge Point Protocol.

Since the charging infrastructure will be interoperable a user from within Europe may simply register with the local Charging Pillar Operator and use the pay as you go system.

Other options to enable cross border charging include opting for a Charging Pillar Operator which supports an e-Roaming platform or an ad hoc type charging. All these methods have been considered and included as a potential means of charging methods which do not necessarily require the need to have a contract with any CPO (in the case of ad-hoc charging). Rates might differ.

6. It-turisti li jżuru Malta kif jistgħu jiċċarġjaw il-vettura elettrika tagħhom?2021-09-28T16:13:19+02:00

L-infrastruttura eżistenti u ġdida għall-iċċarġjar tal-vetturi elettriċi kollha se tintalab tuża pjattaforma interoperabbli li tappoġġa Protokoll ta’ Punti ta’ Ċċarġjar Miftuħa.

Peress li l-infrastruttura tal-iċċarġjar se tkun interoperabbli, utent minn ġewwa l-Ewropa jista’ sempliċiment jirreġistra mal-Operatur tal-Pilastri tal-Iċċarġjar lokali u juża s-sistema fejn tħallas skont l-użu.

Għażliet oħra li jippermettu ċċarġjar transfruntier jinkludu li wieħed jagħżel Operatur tal-Pilastri tal-Iċċarġjar li jappoġġa pjattaforma tar-roaming elettroniku jew iċċarġjar tat-tip <i>ad hoc</i>. Dawn il-metodi kollha tqiesu u ġew inklużi bħala mezz potenzjali ta’ metodi ta’ ċċarġjar li mhux neċessarjament jeħtieġu li wieħed ikollu kuntratt ma’ xi Operatur tal-Pilastri tal-Iċċarġjar (fil-każ ta’ ċċarġjar <i>ad hoc</i>). Ir-rati jistgħu jvarjaw.

7. Kemm hemm bżonn enerġija biex niċċarġja l-vettura tiegħi?2021-09-28T16:14:00+02:00

L-ammont ta’ elettriku użat jiddependi minn kemm tintuża l-vettura. Hemm żewġ tipi ta’ pilastri tal-iċċarġjar, wieħed huwa ċ-ċarġer Medju u jieħu madwar 6 sigħat biex jiċċarġja karozza, u l-ieħor huwa ċ-ċarġer Veloċi li jieħu inqas minn siegħa (1) biex jiċċarġja karozza. Iċ-ċarġers Veloċi jeħtieġu provvista ta’ 200A filwaqt dawk medji-veloċi jeħtieġu provvista trifażi (60Amp). Biex nagħtu eżempju prattiku, biex tiċċarġja kompletament vettura matul il-lejl trid tħallas €1, u dan jikkonsma madwar 7 unitajiet u nofs u tkun tista’ tuża l-vettura għal 30 km l-għada. Din hija biss medja u l-prezz jiddependi wkoll mill-mudell tal-karozza.

7. How much energy is needed to charge my vehicle?2021-10-22T11:53:43+02:00

The amount of electricity used depends on how much the vehicle is used. There are two types of charging pillars, one is Medium and takes around 6 hours to charge a car and the other is Fast which takes less than 1 hour to charge a car. The Fast chargers require a 200A supply whilst a medium-fast requires a 3 phase supply (60Amp). To give a practical example, an overnight full charge would cost €1, consuming around 7½ units and run the vehicle for 30km the next day. This is just an average and the price also depends on the model of the car.

8. What is the difference between a public charging pillar and public charging point? What is the duration of each charge?2021-10-11T16:06:26+02:00

The charging pillar is the actual physical pillar whilst the charging point is part of the charging pillar. In practice, a single charging pillar may consist of two charging points.

As a general rule, the time taken for the battery to be charged depends heavily on the battery pack of the vehicle and the technology used within the vehicle as well as the type of charging infrastructure one uses. However, charging through the off-peak hours would be more than sufficient to cover the needs for the daily commute of a normal user.

8. X’inhi d-differenza bejn pilastru tal-iċċarġjar pubbliku u punt tal-iċċarġjar pubbliku? Kemm tieħu ħin vettura biex tiġi ċċarġjata?2021-09-28T16:23:01+02:00

Il-pilastru tal-iċċarġjar huwa l-pilastru fiżiku proprju filwaqt li l-punt tal-iċċarġjar huwa parti mill-pilastru tal-iċċarġjar. Fil-prattika, pilastru tal-iċċarġjar wieħed jista’ jikkonsisti f’żewġ punti tal-iċċarġjar.

Bħala regola ġenerali, il-ħin meħud biex il-batterija tiġi ċċarġjata jiddependi ħafna mill-pakkett tal-batterija tal-vettura u t-teknoloġija użata fil-vettura kif ukoll mit-tip ta’ infrastruttura tal-iċċarġjar li tuża. Madankollu, l-iċċarġjar fis-sigħat tal-inqas użu jkun biżżejjed biex ikopri l-ħtiġijiet tal-ivvjaġġar ta’ kuljum ta’ utent normali.

9. How can I know whether a public charging pillar is in use or not?2021-10-22T11:54:28+02:00

Such information may be accessed from the mobile app.

9. Kif nista’ nkun naf jekk pilastru tal-iċċarġjar pubbliku huwiex qed jintuża?2021-09-28T16:23:34+02:00

Tali informazzjoni tista’ tiġi aċċessata mill-applikazzjoni mobbli.

10. Bħala sid ta’ negozju, jien interessat li ninvesti fl-infrastruttura tal-iċċarġjar pubblika. Kif nista’ nikseb aktar informazzjoni?2021-10-18T13:47:45+02:00

L-investituri privati li jixtiequ jinvestu fil-pilastri tal-iċċarġjar pubbliċi, dalwaqt se jkollhom l-għażla li japplikaw għal liċenzja ta’ Operatur tal-Pilastri tal-Iċċarġjar (CPO) mar-Regolatur għas-Servizzi tal-Enerġija u l-ilma (REWS) li se jagħtihom il-kapaċità li jiftħu l-infrastruttura tagħhom għall-pubbliku ġenerali. In-negozji interessati għandhom jikkuntattjaw lil REWS fuq [email protected] jew lill-Ministeru għall-Enerġija fuq [email protected] bit-talba tagħhom.

10. As a business owner, I’m interested in investing in public charging infrastructure. How can I get more information?2021-10-22T11:59:43+02:00

Private investors wishing to invest in public charging pillars, will soon have the option of applying for a Charging Pillar Operator (CPO) license with the Regulator for Energy and Water (REWS) which gives them the ability to open their infrastructure to the general public. Interested businesses, should contact REWS on [email protected] or the Ministry for Energy on [email protected] with their request.

Contact us

+356 2779 9299

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