Technical Issues
The Charge My Ride system is experiencing technical issues. We are doing our utmost to resolve this issue in the shortest time possible. For assistance call 2779 9299. The issue has now been resolved. [...]
Communications Service Upgrade
IMPORTANT: All public chargers cannot be used tonight, 6th February, between 00:00hrs and 06:00hrs due to a major upgrade by the communications service provider. We encourage users to terminate any charging sessions before 11:30pm this [...]
Aġġornament tas-Servizz tal-Komunikazzjoni
IMPORTANTI: Iċ-ċarġers pubbliċi kollha ma jistgħux jintużaw illejla, is-6 ta’ Frar, bejn 00:00 u s-06:00 minħabba aġġornament kbir mill-fornitur tas-servizzi tal-komunikazzjonijiet. Aħna nħeġġu lill-utenti jtemmu kwalunkwe sessjoni ta’ ċċarġjar qabel il-11:30pm tal-lejla, biex tiġi evitata [...]
Aġġornament tas-Software tal-Komunikazzjoni
IMPORTANTI: Iċ-ċarġers pubbliċi kollha ma jistgħux jintużaw illejla, is-6 ta’ Frar, bejn 00:00 u s-06:00 minħabba aġġornament kbir mill-fornitur tas-servizzi tal-komunikazzjonijiet. Aħna nħeġġu lill-utenti jtemmu kwalunkwe sessjoni ta’ ċċarġjar qabel il-11:30pm tal-lejla, biex tiġi evitata [...]
Communications Software Upgrade
IMPORTANT: All public chargers cannot be used tonight, 6th February, between 00:00hrs and 06:00hrs due to a major upgrade by the communications service provider. We encourage users to terminate any charging sessions before 11:30pm this [...]
Charging Pillars tariffs
Kindly note that as of 30th September 2023 22:00hrs, the charging pillars at the solar carports at Marsa, Ta’Xbiex and Cirkewwa shall follow the ChargeMyRide tariffs.
Tariffi tal-Pilastri tal-Iċċarġjar
Jekk jogħġbok kun af li mit-22.00 tat-30 ta’ Settembru 2023, il-pilastri tal-iċċarġjar fil-carports solari ġewwa l-Marsa, Ta’ Xbiex u ċ-Ċirkewwa se jibdew isegwu t-tariffi ta’ ChargeMyRide.
Software maintenance
Kindly be advised that our software service provider will be carrying out routine maintenance tomorrow 27th September 2023, between 12:00 and 14:00 hours. During this time, any charging sessions which are already in-progress on the [...]
Manutenzjoni tas-software
Jekk jogħġbok kun af li l-fornitur tas-servizzi tas-software tagħna se jkun qed iwettaq manutenzjoni ta’ rutina għada, is-27 ta’ Settembru 2023, bejn 12:00 u s-14:00. Matul dan iż-żmien, kwalunkwe sessjoni ta' ċċarġjar li tkun diġà [...]