Communications Service Upgrade
IMPORTANT: All public chargers cannot be used tonight, 6th February, between 00:00hrs and 06:00hrs due to [...]
IMPORTANT: All public chargers cannot be used tonight, 6th February, between 00:00hrs and 06:00hrs due to [...]
IMPORTANTI: Iċ-ċarġers pubbliċi kollha ma jistgħux jintużaw illejla, is-6 ta’ Frar, bejn 00:00 u s-06:00 minħabba [...]
IMPORTANT: All public chargers cannot be used tonight, 6th February, between 00:00hrs and 06:00hrs due to [...]
IMPORTANTI: Iċ-ċarġers pubbliċi kollha ma jistgħux jintużaw illejla, is-6 ta’ Frar, bejn 00:00 u s-06:00 minħabba [...]
Jekk jogħġbok kun af li mit-22.00 tat-30 ta’ Settembru 2023, il-pilastri tal-iċċarġjar fil-carports solari ġewwa l-Marsa, [...]
Kindly note that as of 30th September 2023 22:00hrs, the charging pillars at the solar carports [...]
Kindly be advised that our software service provider will be carrying out routine maintenance tomorrow 27th [...]
Jekk jogħġbok kun af li l-fornitur tas-servizzi tas-software tagħna se jkun qed iwettaq manutenzjoni ta’ rutina [...]
Kindly be advised that our communications service provider will be carrying out a routine maintenance intervention [...]
Jekk jogħġbok kun af li l-fornitur tas-servizzi tal-komunikazzjonijiet tagħna se jkun qed iwettaq manutenzjoni ta’ rutina [...]