

Interruzzjoni tal-Komunikazzjonijiet

1st September 2023|

Jekk jogħġbok kun af li l-fornitur tas-servizzi tal-komunikazzjonijiet tagħna se jkun qed iwettaq manutenzjoni ta’ rutina fil-5 ta’ Settembru 2023, bejn is-01:00am u s-01:15am. Matul dan iż-żmien, se jkun hemm interruzzjoni fil-konnettività għall-applikazzjoni "Charge My [...]

Communications Interruption

1st September 2023|

Kindly be advised that our communications service provider will be carrying out a routine maintenance intervention on 5th September 2023, between 01:00am and 01:15am. During this time, there will be an interruption in connectivity to [...]

Servizzi ta’ Komunikazzjoni Interrotti

8th March 2023|

Nixtiequ ninfurmawk li minħabba xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ emerġenza, il-fornitur tas-servizz tal-komunikazzjonijiet tagħna għandu bżonn iwaqqaf is-servizz għal mhux aktar minn 20 minuta bejn l-22:30 u 00:00 tas-16 ta’ Frar 2023. Dan se jaffettwa s-servizzi [...]

Interrupted Communications Services

8th March 2023|

We would like to inform you that due to emergency maintenance works, our communications service provider needs to interrupt the service for up to 20mins between 22:30 and 00:00 tonight 16th February 2023. This will [...]

Scheduled maintenance.

26th July 2022|

The Charge my Ride System and its Public Charging Infrastructure will be offline today 26.07 from 17:00 pm till 17:30 pm due to ongoing maintenance.

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